Arroyo Hondo, Next to the National Supermarket.
5 apartments per level from the 2nd to the 4th.
with 3 one-bedroom and 1.5 bathrooms and 2 two-bedroom apartments and 2.5 bathrooms
5th and 6th level with 3 PH of 2 bedrooms.
Electric gate
Common gas
Pre-installation of AC
Lobby and bathroom for the concierge
Cistern and submersible pump
Social area on the top level
Airbnb friendly
Imported ceramic
Porcelain floors
Reservations with US 5,000.00
10% down payment upon signing (7 days to complete and non-refundable if you do not wish to continue with the purchase)
40% to be completed during construction (Dec 2024)
50% upon delivery
*We can evaluate other payment methods
*Discounts for advance paymentsArroyo Hondo, Proximo al Supermercado Nacional.
5 aptos por nivel del 2do al 4to.
con 3 de 1 habitacion y 1.5 banos y 2 apartamentos de 2 habitaciones y 2.5 banos
Nivel 5to y 6to con 3 PH de 2 habitaciones.
Porton Electrico
Gas comun
Pre-instalacion de AA
Lobby y bano para conserje
Sisterna y Bomba sumergible
Area social en ultimo nivel
Airbnb friendly
Ceramica importada
Pisos en porcelanato
Reservas con US 5,000.00
10% de separacion a la firma (7 dias para completar y no reembolsable sino desea continuar con la compra)
40% a completar durante construccion (dic 2024)
50% contra entrega
*Podemos evaluar otra formas de pago
*Descuentos por pagos por adelantado